My phobias are in blue:
acrophobia.. fear of high places
aerophobia.. fear of air or drafts
agoraphobia.. fear of open spaces
ailurophobia... fear of cats
algophobia.. fear of pain
androphobia.. fear of men
anthrophobia.. fear of human beings
aquaphobia.. fear of water
astraphobia... fear of stars
autophobia.. fear of automobiles
bibliophobia.. fear of books
canophobia... fear of laws, rules, dogmas
claustrophobia.. fear of closed spaces
coitophobia.. fear of sexual intercourse
ergophobia.. fear of work
frigophobia... fear of cold
gamophobia.. fear of marriage
genophobia.. fear of sex
gymnotophobia.. fear of nudity
gynophobia.. fear of women
hadephobia.. fear of hell
hamartiophobia.. fear of sin
haphephobia.. fear of being touched
hematophobia.. fear of blood
hierophobia.. fear of sacred things
homophobia.. fear of homosexual
shydrophobia.. fear of water
hypegiaphobia.. fear of responsibility
hypnophobia.. fear of sleep
logophobia.. fear of words
maieusophobia.. fear of pregnancy
misophobia.. fear of contamination
monophobia.. fear of being alone
nyctophobia... fear of darkness or night
ornithophobia.. fear of birds
ouranophobia.. fear of heaven
pantophobia.. fear of everything
peccatophobia.. fear of sinning
pediphobia.. fear of children
peniaphobia.. fear of poverty
phasmophobia.. fear of ghosts
phobophobia... fear of fears
photophobia.. fear of light
phronemophobia.. fear of thinking
pogonophobia.. fear of beards
poinephobia.. fear of punishment
pyrophobia.. fear of fire
satanophobia.. fear of Satan
sciophobia.. fear of shadow
staphophobia... fear of being buried alive, graves
theophobia.. fear of God
thermophobia.. fear of heat
tocophobia.. fear of childbirth
triskaidikaphobia... fear of the # 13
trypanophobia.. fear of injections
xenophobia.. fear of strangers
zelophobia.. fear of jealousy
zoophobia.. fear of animals