Thursday, April 10, 2008


How I Write Songs (Part 6)

Hopefully, this is the last entry on the mechanism of songwriting. Future entries should be on the technical and creativity aspects which are the reasons I am writing.

Part 4 has described how beats and tempos are recorded on measures. Melody too has to be recorded on measures.

A song has a melody with notes are played by certain duration at certain time. Therefore, there are 3 parameters that required to be recorded:

a) Note
b) Duration
c) Time

There is one more parameter which is the Velocity. Velocity is the note's volume or how hard a note is hit. I'll be describing the velocity later on but not today. To record the parameters above, our measures have to be reconstructed.

Below is an example of a musical keyboard (Do click for better view):

Basically, a musical keyboard started with note C2 not C1 but since I use the computer as my musical instrument, I need to start with C1 for the bass sound. Listening to the the song "Baa Baa Black Sheep", our event list is as follows:

If you are into programming, the event list above matters most. In order to make it more presentable, the event list need to be converted into graphical mode as in measures:

Time Note Duration
1.1.000 G4 110
1.2.000 G4 110
1.3.000 D5 110
1.4.000 D5 110
2.1.000 E5 110
2.2.000 E5 110
2.3.000 D5 230
3.1.000 C5 110
3.2.000 C5 110
3.3.000 B4 110
3.4.000 B4 110
4.1.000 A4 110
4.2.000 A4 110
4.3.000 G4 230

If you are into programming, the event list above matters most. In order to make it more presentable, the event list need to be converted into graphical mode as in measures:

E5 ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx xxxx --------

D5 ---- ---- xxxx xxxx ---- ---- xxxxxxxx

C5 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------

B4 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------

A4 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------

G4 xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- --------


E5 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------

D5 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- --------

C5 xxxx xxxx ---- ---- ---- ---- --------

B4 ---- ---- xxxx xxxx ---- ---- --------

A4 ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxx xxxx --------

G4 ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- xxxxxxxx

Note, every xxxx = 110 time unit duration. The measures are read Left-Right, Top-Down.

There! In order to write a song, one has got to know how to write down the melody. has changed their video section from egg technology to YouTube and all my posted videos are deleted. I have no choice but to post the videos through YouTube. It is quite frustrating as I hate redundancy. Below is a video previously posted. Last year, this video hit top 10 at Tagged for a week.

Song: My Sakura Girl
Song, Music and Illustrations by Azer Mantessa
This video is a tribute to the oriental ladies.